There are 1327 Gurugram Call Girl Number currently available on Kokqa for direct calling and WhatsApp messaging. Although you may find Gurugram call girls phone number on advertising portals, but Kokqa is the best place to find Gurugram call girl number because our mobile numbers are directly fetched from major telecom companies in India such as Jio, Airtel, Vodafone, BSNL, Idea through Fetch API. Not only that our list of call girl phone number is approved by Telecom Regulatory Authority of India for safe communication with female escorts and call girls in Gurugram.
Name | Call Girl Phone Number | Location |
Tapsi | +91 900-755-688* | Sultanpur |
Silpa | +91 900-742-342* | Pataudi |
Qasi | +91 900-921-623* | Badshahpur |
Poonam | +91 900-962-510* | Kadipur |
Chanchal | +91 900-953-421* | Wazirabad |
Jalsa | +91 900-790-497* | Farukh Nagar |
Indra | +91 900-999-556* | MG Road |
Osla | +91 900-725-694* | DLF Cyber City |
Amba | +91 900-951-965* | Sohna |
Rani | +91 900-769-723* | Sushant Lok |
If you feel shy to talk to a call girl over a phone call, we recommend WhatsApp messaging to build friendship at first. Here is the latest Gurugram call girl Whatsapp number list for gentlemen who love sexting, erotic text messaging, and adult chatting. If you want to speed up meeting process, we recommend finding Gurgaon call girl contact number above and start dialing.
Name | Call Girl Whatsapp Number |
Suman | +91 900-577-093* |
Khusboo | +91 900-599-883* |
Roshni | +91 900-508-586* |
Neelam | +91 900-584-655* |
Komal | +91 900-556-748* |
Arpita | +91 900-508-239* |
Vaishali | +91 900-584-239* |
Ishika | +91 900-576-292* |
Tamanna | +91 900-502-281* |
Sejal | +91 900-557-647* |