Putons, howdy! Greetings, my name is Cerise Almeida, and I'm a bisexual woman in her thirties who has always appreciated the flavor of milk and the sensation of a cocking. Right here, in my little tiny mouth. I am a slender companion with a wonderful physique to catch, tiny breasts, an appliance, a slutty face, and a plump butt that like toting about slaps. Couples are my favorite, so please feel free to bring your lady and suck her till she cans. The Help That I Can Provide In between fucks, sits, and kisses, I like to try some hot milk, which I find to be quite enjoyable and which leaves a pleasant sensation in my mouth, but I don't really like for the sensation of having to swallow it. Keeping in mind that I'm not an analist. As you view these home movies of my exploits with women during my lesbian days, you can see me sucking a very sweet pussy, suckling a few peaks, taking milk i...