Greetings, I'm Anna. A great deal of delight. Among my many talents, I am a really attractive trained masseuse. A kind and obliging dark-haired lady. My face is smooth, and I have full, plump lips. I have a spotless record, am a Vasca and Yoga practitioner and a Buddhist graduate at a respectable university. Since I have extremely salivating oral sex, my service is generous, and I promise you won't be let down. I take my time and aim for peaceful encounters with guys of high caliber. My pussy is tight and extremely smelling, and I like having sex in the vagina in any position. I like having my breasts sucked on and giving them to other people. If the individual is right, I can perform analytic work for them. Women, bi people, and couples are not welcome in my company. Normally, I abstain from sending any visual material. I am stationed in the heart of Niterói, where I provide service...