My name is Drishti, and I am a cheerful, reserved, and flirtatious young lady. I am on the hunt for wonderful folks to form lasting friendships with. I try t...
My name is Sonali, and I am a warm and compassionate blonde with a fantastic sense of humor. I like to think of myself as a more compassionate and refined in...
Please call me Shilpa. My family is wonderful, and I am a lovely, funny, and extremely accepting person. My ideal travel companions would be intriguing, spon...
Please call me Navneet. I am a nice girl who also likes to have a good time. People probably think of me as a nice person in the background, but trust me whe...
Please call me Kanika. I am a bubbly, social girl with a strong sense of community and an upbeat outlook on life. Even while I enjoy trying new things, I rar...