Howdy, my existence, I'm Romina, a brand-new escort lady who loves being pampered and who can't wait to have some fun with you. Though I like all facets of sexual encounters, my greatest pleasure is derived from oral sex. If you want to know the truth about me, you should know that I adore it. Tres Cruces, Montevideo, short steps from the palace, come have fun with me, I'm really horny and I'll leave my phone with you. Throughout the year, I go to the neighborhoods of Aguada, Barrio Sur, Diveo, Carrasco, Cordón, Goes, Jacinto Vera, the Strand, La Comercial, Malvn, Centro, Parque Batlle - Villa Dolores, Parque Rodó, Pocitos, Punta Carretas, and Punta Gorda. Don't leave out the part about meeting me in Kokqa!